Monday, June 21, 2021

Looking for Lipton Iced Tea in Cordoba? Guateques Has It and More

If you're from the states, then you've either had iced tea and loved it, tried it and hated it, or have at least heard of it. Unfortunately, this drink hasn't been too popular here in Argentina. Oh, sure, they had a product called Fuze Tea, which was like Nestea or sweet ice tea in the states, but it failed to win over the people in Cordoba City. So, about a year or so after we arrived, Fuze Tea disappeared from the shelves and were never seen again. There might be a few places in Buenos Aires that still sells them, but don't quote me on that.

But recently, we've discovered that there's a Venezuelan store in Cordoba City called Guateques that has all sorts of items that are pretty common among Venuezuelans like tequeños (fried breaded cheeseticks). However, they also sell some items that my husband and I totally loved. One of them was Lipton's Ice Tea as well as a peach flavor variant.

At first, we were a little nervous that this wasn't really Lipton's Ice Tea. But a couple of spoonfuls into a pitcher of ice cold water and we were happier than a pig in sh*t! But this wasn't the only thing that put a smile on our faces.

My husband LOOOOOOOVES pork rinds and we were fortunate enough that they had some available.

Another item that we missed from the states was Fig Newtons, which Guateques has! Alright, so they aren't store brand. They're actually made by a company in Buenos Aires called Todo Casero that makes the Fig Newtons and then delivers them to Guateques in Cordoba City.

This version of the Fig Newtons actually has guava (guayaba) filling and not actual figs, but they're still pretty good. I would highly recommend them because I have yet to find anything remotely similar at the local supermarket.

They also sell plaintain chips, which gave me a positive flashback to my childhood. A little backstory here: When I was growing up in Hialeah, Florida, my Cuban school bus driver would buy plantain chips from these street vendors while waiting for the light to turn green. Then she would distribute the chips for everyone to eat. For my husband, of course, plaintains connect to his Puerto Rican roots, so these plantain chips from Guateques have become a staple in our home.

And there was one last item that simply can't get enough of and it's Cheez Whix, which is like the Cheez Whiz in the states. And for those of you who have been living in Argentina for a while, rest assured that despite the name, this tastes just like the real thing. It is NOT like the American cheese that Argentines try to pass off as cheddar by melting it. Cheez Whix is as close as you're going to get to Cheese Whiz down here.

For anyone in Cordoba City looking to order from them, I recommend checking out their Instagram here, or messaging them through Whatsapp at: 3512027739. And yes! They deliver, and the person we contacted has always been super nice and accommodating.

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