Sunday, December 27, 2020

Fudy is NOT Argentina's Answer to American Food, But it's a Start

A few weeks ago, we found some frozen food items at Walmart that got us very excited. The brand is called Fudy and their products made our mouths water... at least initially. So let me tell you more about them.


We have two waffle makers at home, one of which we had to throw out because it no longer worked. So to have the convenience of pre-made waffles on hand was just too good to pass up.

But did they measure up to Eggo Waffles from the States? Well, not exactly. Eggo Waffles are round while these were square shaped. Of course, the shape is irrelevant as long as they taste good. But did they? Well, if I'm being honest, they were a bit dry, but that's something we easily fixed with some butter and some honey. 

Fudy Waffle Clasico
Fudy Waffle Clasico
Fudy Waffle Clasico
Fudy Waffle Clasico

I wish we had Maple Syrup but there's only one place in Cordoba that sells it: Almacen de Mario. Unfortunately, the last time we were there they only had the big bottles, which were about the size of a gallon of milk and were a bit pricey. So the honey was a quick fix.

Would I get them again? Absolutely. They're easy to make every morning, but only 6 come in a box, so it looks like we'll have to pay Walmart a visit soon. Hopefully, the product is still available once the store transitions from Walmart into whatever it's supposed to become in 2021. Now on to the next product.


They probably have a variety of ice cream cookie sandwiches in some of the Argie's ice cream parlors, but I haven't seen them. So, this was a nice surprise for me. The best thing is that Fudy's ice cream cookie sandwiches are ready to eat. You simply open the individual wrappers and serve on a plate. The instructions recommend that you let the sandwich thaw for about 15 minutes, but who has time for that? Am I right? This one was definitely a winner!

Fudy Cookie Sandwich
Fudy Cookie Sandwich
Fudy Cookie Sandwich
Fudy Cookie Sandwich


We've been craving Pillsbury croissants for almost 9 years now, but there's still no indication that they'll ever hit the shelves here in Argentina. So, naturally, we were very excited when we saw that Fudy offered croissants in a box. Now most locals will probably say, "what's the big deal?" Well the "big deal" is that the croissants made by Argentine bakeries are sweet. And whenever I ask them if they could make a salty variation, they look at me as if I've grown a second head. Fortunately, the VEA supermarkets around here offer salty croissants that are adequate. But the ones on the Fudy box seemed more in tune with the ones we're used too. So we gave them a try.

Fudy Croissant
Fudy Croissant

The croissants weren't really a hit but they weren't necessarily a miss either. They were okay, but they didn't have that fluffy, warm bread texture we've come to expect from a decent croissant. Still, if you add a little butter on them like we did, they'll be just fine. But would we buy them again? It's a safe bet that we won't.

Fudy Croissant
Fudy Croissant

And while the other three items didn't exactly ring our bell, we wouldn't exactly call them an epic fail like the last product on this list.


Chocolate lava cakes were a must in every Domino's Pizza order we made when we were living in the Bronx. For those of you who have never tried it, it's basically a small pyramid shaped cake with liquid chocolate in the middle. Once you stick your fork into it and take a piece out, the chocolate will spew like lava, hence why they're called lava cakes.

Fudy Volcan de Chocolate

Unfortunately, they're kind of tricky to make just like a soufflĂ©. If you don't cook them right, the whole thing turns into an epic food fail. Well, that's exactly what happened to us. We followed the instructions to the letter. 

Fudy Volcan de Chocolate

Once we took them out of the oven, we waited for them to cool for about 10 minutes. Then we flipped one of them over and it disintegrated on the plate.

Fudy Volcan de Chocolate

At first, I thought, okay, maybe the box was wrong and it needed more than 15 minutes in the oven. So I tried saving the last lava cake by placing it back in the oven and allowing it to cook for an additional 10 minutes. But when I flipped the cup over to drop the lava cake on the plate, I had the same results. It was more chocolate lava than cake.

We were really disappointed to say the least, so we will definitely not be buying this again.


Did we get our hopes up too high that the Argies were finally introducing products that were more American? Yes! But fortunately, there are other things down here that can truly put a smile on our faces. And I look forward to telling you more about them sometime in 2021.

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