Wednesday, July 2, 2014

This Is How Argentinians Root For Their Favorite Soccer Team

Soccer, or “Futbol” as it is known here, is a serious in Argentina. The love for this favorite past-time gathers people of all ages, gender, nationality, and creed to rally for their favorite soccer team.
With this year’s World Cup, people have taken to going to bars, restaurants, or a friend’s house to watch the game. They even go out onto the streets to celebrate and to show their team spirit.
I was actually trying to get to the mall to meet a friend for some coffee, but as you can see, it wasn't easy to get through the crowd.
Fans paraded outside Patio Olmos, one of Cordoba Capital’s shopping malls in the downtown area. Now, I'll admit, I never followed any sports back in the States, and I certainly don't in Argentina, but it's kind of nice seeing the locals gather together for something other than a protest.

Photoset Of Plaza San Martin in Cordoba Argentina

Plaza San Martin is another popular place where Cordobeses love to congregate, and I'm not just saying that because there's a huge church here either.
A lot of the locals come here during their break, after work, or after school, to sit down and read the newspaper, pigeon watch, or socialize and drink Mate.
Overall, it gives folks the chance to walk around, and relax for a bit before heading into the mouth of the downtown shopping center. 
Since buses tend to stop here, it can get a little crowded sometimes, especially around rush hour, but other than that, it's just a nice area to hang out.

Photoset Of Plaza De La Intendencia in Cordoba Argentina

Plaza De La Intendecia is only a few blocks away from the Patio Olmos Shopping Center, and many Cordobes come here to relax, socialize, and drink Mate. So, I tried taking some of the best images with the best angles so that I could share with you.
There's no special story behind this plaza, at least, none that I'm familiar with, but the beauty in this area speaks for itself, don't you think?