I’m really frustrated by the fact that it's been months and I can’t find a job in Argentina! Most career opportunities are in the capital of Buenos Aires, but that’s not an option for me at this time.
Fortunately, I own my home so I don't have to worry about losing the roof over my head. But the main reason I want a job is so that I can buy food, pay my utilities and buy more furniture for my home. Many people I've spoken to have warned me that finding work here would be tough.
You can always work under the table, which they call "trabajo en negro". Freelance work may be your best option.
The most important thing you need to know about working in Argentina is that it’s not about your skills or educational background. It’s about who you know.
You'll also need the following to work here:
⦁ A DNI (if you're an Argentinean resident or citizen or have a work visa)
⦁ A visa
⦁ A CUIL number (equivalent to a social security number in the United States)
Owning Your Own Business May Be Your Only Hope
I've been advised by several people that the best way to earn money in Argentina is to open up a business. If you have the money to do this then I highly recommend it, but keep in mind that if your business flops, there is no form of government bail out (like bankruptcy).
If you're thinking of opening up a restaurant, do some marketing research first. There are dozens of restaurants that sell the same thing, like pizza, bread crumb sandwiches, lomitos, and burgers, in the same neighborhood. Half of those businesses fail within a year. Try bringing something unique to the area you're living in.
If food isn't your specialty, then try opening up a computer repair shop. Argentina is becoming more dependent on electronic gadgets day by day. Laptops and desktops require maintenance, here more than in the States. I've bought a couple of electronic accessories in Argentina that didn't last more than a month or two. So a computer repair center is something worth considering.
How Gender And Age Discrimination Affect Argentine Job Outlook For Expats
I've been actively looking for work in the administrative field, which is the type of work I used to do in the States, but many posts have age and gender requirements.
Unfortunately, Argentine businesses can post job openings which require that you be a specific gender or a specific age, and it's perfectly legal. My personal experience with this type of discrimination occurred when I tried applying for the only two admin job posts I found on a website. The first job was perfect, but required that I be female. The second job was also perfect, but I had to be between the ages of 26 and 31, and I am 35 so that was a bust.
I'm starting to wonder if I will ever land a job here. I'm even considering going back to school. Maybe an opportunity will open up for me along the way.