Friday, October 26, 2012

Can Immigrants Get Deported From Argentina?

2023 UPDATE FOR RUSSIAN IMMIGRANTS: If you're pregnant and you're showing, there's a risk that Argentine immigration will deny you entry into the country. This is the result of a recent wave of Russian immigrants entering Argentina.

Whenever anyone decides to stay in a foreign country for a lengthy amount of time, their biggest concern may be whether or not they'll get deported when their visa runs out. Now, as an Argentine-American, I don't have to worry about any issues with Argentine immigration, however, my spouse is a different story. 

For nearly four months, I’ve been trying to get an FBI background check for my spouse, who is a natural born American citizen, but the FBI is picky when it comes to fingerprinting done in a foreign country. As I've mentioned in a previous post, even the slightest smudge on the fingerprint card can get your background check request denied.

At this point, I knew there was no way I could get all the paperwork done successfully before my spouse's visa expired. So, I went to the immigration center in Cordoba for suggestions on what to do. The first person we spoke to was a jerk, who suggested that we consider praying. Then we spoke with another, much kinder immigration official, who assured us that there is absolutely no deportation law in Argentina. She laughed when I told her that I feared that a white van would come to our house to take my spouse and deport him. She told me that Argentina is not the United States and they don't treat immigrants this way. The only time that Argentina would ever consider deporting someone who is illegal is if he or she commits a crime.  

Why Moving To Argentina With A Criminal Record Can Be Bad 
The immigration rep explained to me that in some instances, tourists who travel to Argentina may be denied entry into the country if they have a criminal record. But I'm assuming that unless you bit someone's ear off, and ended up on international news, like Mike Tyson, you probably won't have any issues. But still, it's something to keep in mind when you travel.

I know I've said this before, but just to be on the safe side, I'd like to remind anyone who is considering coming here that you are only given two visas (prorrogas) per entry to Argentina. After the second visa expires, you are technically illegal and cannot work, until you petition for residency, or leave the country and re-enter. 

Not having to worry about my spouse being deported from Argentina was a great relief for both of us because it gave us more time to get all the paperwork done. I'll keep everyone posted on how it all works out in the near future.

The Pregnancy Solution
One way you're guaranteed to get permanent residency in Argentina is to have a baby while living in Argentina. If you're pregnant and give birth, your child will be Argentine. Therefore, as a mother and/or parent of an Argentine child, you'll be able to apply for permanent residency. 


  1. Hola,
    una duda, ustedes estan casados, no? Argentina ahora mismo acepta el matrimonio gay. Eso no le transfiere automaticamente la ciudadania y el derecho a permanecer en el pais a tu esposo?

  2. Nos casamos en Nueva York. Pero para que lo reconozcan en Argentina, require un apostillo de los Estados Unidos. No lo teniamos. Lamentablemente, en Argentina, no lo hace automaticamente un ciudadano pero lo ayuda para conseguir su residencia. De la unica manera que se puede hacer uno residente en Argentino es siendo estudiante, trabajando (con una visa), estando casado con un ciudadano argentine, o teniendo un hijo/hija argentino/a. Si no tenes esto te, no te pueden deportar pero tampoco podes trabajar o hacer mucho cuando se te expire la visa de turista. Tenes facebook? Mandame un mensaje privado por google+ si podes y yo te digo como encontrarme en facebook. Te puedo decir como podes hacer las cosas para la residencia con mas detalle.
